Doughty's Disclaimer of Luv
Explaining the Explanations
We get accosted by a lot of stonedfolks--lovely people, though--who quiz us about the nuancesof meaning and overarching thematic content in our songs. I guess our purpose is to cater to the discriminating druguser, so I can't complain. But mostly, when I'm hashing outthe lyrics, I'm thinking, "Ooh, nice word. Pretty word. Mm,word tastes nice, I like." So it's mostly a sound thing, amusicality thing. Still, given the couple of lucid flashesin the lyrics, I've been asked to discuss the songs. Thoughpersonally, I'm more apt to dig the beats, and being that Ican't read or write notation, you'll only get the meatheadedmetaphors here. P.S. If you hear lyrics wrong and imaginesome construction of words that doesn't really exist, pleasebring it to our attention and we'll retool the lyrics tomatch your mistake. We love that more than anything else.Also enclose any five percent nations you mayhave.
-M. Doughty