Powerful Crackers
Cheese Blend
Soul Coughing's Secret Recipe, taken from a 1994 Warner Brother promotional Christmas booklet...
A fair amount of crackers
A sizeable chunk of cheese
Proceed to your local grocer. Select a fine cheese, preferably a non-sweaty sort of cheese. Select a distinctive, non-crumbly cracker, preferably with salt added. Pay your local grocer and thank him for the crackers, you cheese, whatever beverageyou may have purchased, perhaps the cigarettes or newspaper you may also have purchased. Go to you own hom. Select a knife, prefeably a steak kife of similarly cruel pieve of domestic cutlery. Slice said cheese, preferably down the whole of thehunk, at a thickness not ot exceed four millimeters. Balance cheese delicately upon the cracker. Season to taste. Rinse. Repeat.